Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wine, Dahlias, and Global Warming

I don't know if you've noticed, boozers, but it's October in Seattle and it's 70 degrees and gorgeously sunny and dry. It's totally friggin weird. Has global warming arrived? Yikes! The Wino will have another (large) glass of the fabulously priced Quattro Mani Montepulciano d'Abruzzo she's drinking this afternoon before she thinks about that any more.

One result of this glorious and strange weather, is the crazy number of dahlias blooming in The Wino's yard right now. They're overgrown and tangled into each other—the consequence of the near constant sun and The Wino's near constant neglect. They're a mess, but they are kind-of a beautiful mess.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Good Intentions: Domain Carneros Rosé Cuvée de la Pompadour

Fellow boozers, The Wino had every intention of writing a witty, flowery post about drinking a bottle of Domaine Carneros Rosé Cuvée de la Pompadour. She had planned to describe, in detail, its strawberry and rose-petal nose and its citrus and floral flavors. Unfortunately, the moment the cork was popped all that went out the window. The Wino just skipped to the drinking part and, between her and a friend, polished off the bottle along with an herbed green salad, oeufs mayonnaise with cornichon, and a plate of olives.

All that remains of the Rosé is the empty bottle tossed carelessly into the recycling bin and The Wino's lingering headache.

C'est la vie.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Wino Is a Hardcore Northwesterner. Really. She Is.

Boozers, The Wino wants you to know that she is a hardcore Northwesterner who loves rain and the lush, green landscape in which she lives. But sometimes, especially if it's July and the Northwestern U.S. is experiencing cooler temperatures and more gloom than usual, the lack of sun and endless days of pouring rain make The Wino a tad itchy. It makes her think insane thoughts such as, wouldn't it be nice to live in Southern California, which, as you well know, is pure sacrilege for a Northwesterner.

It certainly doesn't help when The Wino's friends from San Diego, CA send her pictures like this one.

C'est la vie, boozers. The Wino will handle her shameful craving for California sun and sand by embracing the abundance of fabulousness that is the Northwest. This, of course, means popping opening a bottle of Washington wine (Benson Vineyard 2010 Estate Viognier).


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Buttercream for Boozers

The Wino asserts that, like mayonnaise, buttercream frosting should be a "Mother Sauce." Why? Because the way you make it is similar to mayonnaise, which relies on your boozy ability to emulsify. But mostly, boozers, it's because buttercream frosting, like mayonnaise, is motherfucking awesome.

The Wino's Overly Complicated Buttercream Frosting

2 cups granulated sugar 
1/4 cup of water

Combine sugar and water in a sauce pan. Over medium heat, stir the mixture until the sugar is dissolved and comes to a rolling boil.

6 large egg yolks
1 lb of butter at room temp
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp Grand Marnier (optional)
1 tbs grated orange zest (optional)

Beat egg yolks at high speed until pale. Beating constantly, pour the sugar syrup mixture into the egg yolks in a slow, thin stream. Beat until the mixture becomes viscous. Add the room temp butter and beat until thick and fluffy---don't get discouraged, this could take up to 10 minutes. Beat in vanilla, Grand Marnier, and orange zest.

Frost a cake or eat it with a spoon, boozers.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Favorite Boozy Places: Maximilien

Boozers, Maximilien Restaurant has it all: a gorgeous wine list, a classic and exquisitely prepared menu, and exceptional servers who actually hail from France (and have the accents to prove it). But if you really want to know why The Wino loves Maximilien, well, she thinks the picture she snapped yesterday says it all. Mon Dieu---what a view!


The Patio at Maximilien

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chocolate Grand Marnier Cake. Hell. Yes.

The Wino is obsessed with two things: booze and cake. This is undoubtedly no surprise to you, boozers.

She spends hours concocting recipes that combine her two obsessions. Some of these concoctions are colossal failures. Some are sheer genius. Her latest boozy cake recipe falls into the latter category. Here it is, Chocolate Grand Marnier Cake with Orange Marmalade Filling and Buttercream Frosting.

Shut. Up.

While this cake is an absolute winner, it's recipe still needs some adjusting, which is why no recipe is included with this post. The Wino knows this is devastating news for the boozy bakers out there. Please accept her heartfelt apologies.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Favorite Boozy Places: Bottlehouse

Wine on tap? Yes, please!

The Bottlehouse, located in Seattle's lovely Madrona neighborhood, serves wine on tap. That's right: WINE ON TAP! Guess what, boozers? It's friggin' awesome. And certainly not a new invention by any means. Apparently, wine on tap has been a part of wine culture in France, Italy, etc. pretty much since wine was invented. (Clever, clever Europeans.)

In addition to wine on tap, the Bottlehouse also has a lovely wine list that features gems from the Pacific Northwest as well as favorites from around the world. Taste at the tasting bar. Sit down and enjoy a glass (or better yet, a bottle!) with a perfectly paired small plate of artisan cheese. Browse the Shoppe for a bottle (or two) to take home with you.

And has The Wino mentioned the killer happy hour? Well, it's truly killer and you should be a good boozy boozer and check it out.

 Needless to say, the Bottlehouse is one of The Wino's favorite boozy places.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Wino Blames Dahila Lounge

The Wine-Free-Wino was boing. So The Wino decided to come back a little earlier than planned. Seriously boozers, if your husband took you on an impromptu date to Dahlia Lounge, would you really skip enjoying a cocktail or a glass of wine?


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beet Salad

Boozers, The Wine-Free Wino can't lie. She misses wine. Especially red wine. Which would probably explain her sudden attraction to foods that are red.

For lunch today, she could have had a tuna sandwich or a bowl of split pea soup. She could have gone out to lunch. She could have skipped lunch altogether. But she didn't. Instead she made a beet salad.

She trimmed, boiled and peeled 8 beets.

She sliced the beets and tossed them with olive oil, orange muscat vinegar, salt, pepper, and fresh tarragon.

Then she added toasted walnuts, dollops of goat cheese and a sprinkle of rock salt.
The Wino would have paired this salad with a zinfandel, a pino noir, or a syrah. The Wine-Free Wino, however, just poured herself a glass of sparkling water. Sigh.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taking a Break

It's OK to take a break now and then. And that's all The Wino is doing. Taking a break.

So you're probably wondering: What is The Wino taking a break from? Well boozers, this is where it gets sticky. You see, The Wino is taking a break from wine and other boozy beverages. She's getting a tad fluffy and needs to get her waistline under control. Cutting booze is one of the fastest ways to knock the extra lbs off. It's depressing, but it's true.

No Wine for The Wino Until March 23rd!
Easy now. Take a deep breath. Now take another. Pour yourself another glass of wine if you need to.

The Wino totally understands that it seems just plain wrong. How can The Wino be The Wino without wine? She freely admits that The Wino without wine is a pretty hard concept to get your mind around.

Boozers it's not like The Wino is never going to drink wine again. This vanity-driven hiatus is only for 18 days, which is really not that long. In fact, she's already completed 2 of the 18 days.

You will survive. The Wino promises.

So without further ado, The Wino would like to introduce you to The Wine-Free Wino. She will be your host until March 23rd.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Divine Trifecta

The Wino likes to drink wine while watching TV and folding laundry. It's one of her most favoritest activities in the whole wide world. She likes it as much as vacationing in Mexico, dining at Harvest Vine, or trying on shoes at Nordstrom. Not only does she get to drink her favorite beverage, she completes a household chore, and she gets to induldge in all sorts of mind-numbing trash TV. The Wino suggests that you try this divine trifecta as soon as possible.

Today, The Wino has a mountain of laundry to fold. But it will be a snap. Why? Because she has a bottle of 2010 Christophe Thorigny, Vouvray Sec and "Hugo" to watch on Pay Per View.

Boozers, The Wino knows that "Hugo" got mixed reviews---you know, swell special effects but a somewhat wobbily plot. But she's not worried. Drinking wine will most definitely make the movie much more interesting than it actually is.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Pineapple Rum Upsidedown Cake

Boozers, you will go positively coco-nutty over The Wino's latest boozy cake creation. You have her personal, wine-soaked guarantee. That is if you like cake, of course. And if you like booze, which The Wino is willing to bet that you do.

The Wino was recently on vacation in La Manzanilla, Mexico. It's a small fishing village located on the pacific coast a few hours south of Puerto Vallarta. La Manzanilla is surrounded by coconut and banana groves on three sides. 

The Wino thinks Mexico is swell. She wishes she was there right now instead of at work dealing with ridiculous piles of mung. Anyway, it is her love of La Manzanilla and her desire to move to Mexico immediately and permanently that has inspired her latest cake, which includes a healthy whallop of rum, shredded coconut, and, of course, fresh pineapple.

Now boozers, don't obsess over the fact that a pineapple- and rum-based cake might be a tad more appropriately inspired by a trip to Hawaii or Jamaica. Both pineapple and rum are plentiful and cheap in Mexico. And pina coladas are served and greedily consumed by gringos in virtually every cantina. So let it go, boozers. Have another drink and let it go.

The Wino's Kick-Ass Pineapple Rum Upside Down Cake

For The Pan
1 fresh pineapple peeled, cored, and cut into to half inch rings
¼ cup of butter
½ cup of brown sugar

For The Batter
5 tbs butter
1 tsp grated lime zest
⅔ cup sugar
1 egg
1 ¼ cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ cup golden rum (sweet, sweet rum)
½ cup unsweetened, shredded coconut
1 tsp vanilla

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Melt a 1/4 cup of butter and coat the bottom and sides of a 10-inch baking dish or skillet. If using a skillet, you may melt the butter over very low heat. Sprinkle brown sugar evenly over the bottom of the baking dish or skillet. Line the bottom with pineapple slices. Cut the remaining pineapple slices in half and line the sides.

In a stand mixer, cream sugar and butter until pale and fluffy. Beat in egg and lime zest. In a separate bowl combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Add dry ingredients alternately with the golden rum to the butter and sugar mixture. Add coconut. Beat in vanilla.

Pour batter over the pineapple slices. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Invert cake on to platter. It should just fall right out (yeah, good luck). Can be served warm or cool with a dollop of whipped cream or scoop of ice cream.

Eat it all up, boozers!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Music You Can Drink Wine To

Sarah Villarreal
Boozers, while sipping her wine this evening, The Wino will be listening to music by Sarah Beth Villarreal, her little sister. While The Wino's talent clearly lies in obscure blogging, her sister's talent is singing and songwriting. Genetically speaking, it's really hard to say who got the better deal.

You can, and should, download her fabulous songs from

The Wino's current faves include: