Saturday, September 15, 2012

Good Intentions: Domain Carneros Rosé Cuvée de la Pompadour

Fellow boozers, The Wino had every intention of writing a witty, flowery post about drinking a bottle of Domaine Carneros Rosé Cuvée de la Pompadour. She had planned to describe, in detail, its strawberry and rose-petal nose and its citrus and floral flavors. Unfortunately, the moment the cork was popped all that went out the window. The Wino just skipped to the drinking part and, between her and a friend, polished off the bottle along with an herbed green salad, oeufs mayonnaise with cornichon, and a plate of olives.

All that remains of the Rosé is the empty bottle tossed carelessly into the recycling bin and The Wino's lingering headache.

C'est la vie.

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