Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taking a Break

It's OK to take a break now and then. And that's all The Wino is doing. Taking a break.

So you're probably wondering: What is The Wino taking a break from? Well boozers, this is where it gets sticky. You see, The Wino is taking a break from wine and other boozy beverages. She's getting a tad fluffy and needs to get her waistline under control. Cutting booze is one of the fastest ways to knock the extra lbs off. It's depressing, but it's true.

No Wine for The Wino Until March 23rd!
Easy now. Take a deep breath. Now take another. Pour yourself another glass of wine if you need to.

The Wino totally understands that it seems just plain wrong. How can The Wino be The Wino without wine? She freely admits that The Wino without wine is a pretty hard concept to get your mind around.

Boozers it's not like The Wino is never going to drink wine again. This vanity-driven hiatus is only for 18 days, which is really not that long. In fact, she's already completed 2 of the 18 days.

You will survive. The Wino promises.

So without further ado, The Wino would like to introduce you to The Wine-Free Wino. She will be your host until March 23rd.



Erin Boudreau said...

18 days? PERFECT. My bday party at canon is in 19 days. How do you like that?

The Wino said...

Excellent. It will be the perfect way to fall off the wagon!