This Purse Wine wisdom was passed to The Wino by some savvy ladies who began carrying wine in their purses on the Seattle Art Walk (option “d” above), which happens the first Thursday of every month here and in many other Northwest cities. These ladies like to drink wine while they look at art but don’t feel that struggling artists in more humble galleries should have to support their wine habit (not to mention, the wine served is often El Gato Negro or similar). So, they have started bringing their own wine while out browsing the galleries.
How smart is that? It’s so brilliant The Wino wishes she would have thought of it herself, and perhaps she will pretend it was all her idea in future posts. In the meantime, all the credit and accolades go to the Purse Wine Ladies.
Boozers, if you don’t have a handbag that can hold a bottle of wine, you need to go out and get one ASAP. In addition to needing room for your wine, it’s practically spring (I know, it doesn’t feel like it) so it's time to move on from your drab black purse to something lighter---maybe in a nice beige or bone. And, you will be doing your American duty by being an ardent consumer---so while you’re at it, buy a bottle of wine to go in your new handbag too.
For fellow boozers out there who feel that a purse/handbag is a little too feminine, The Wino, suggests you stop whining and invest in something more masculine to suit your taste. There are plenty of options. The most important thing is that you are able to stylishly and comfortably carry wine when you need to.
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