Friday, February 26, 2010

The Wino Is Jealous of Molly Wizenberg

Positively green with envy. So jealous she could spit. She thinks she will fall over into covetous convulsions at any moment now.

And Why is The Wino so jealous??? Because of Molly Wizenberg. Yes, the lovely Molly Wizenberg. She is the author of the super-popular food blog, Orangette, and author of the critically acclaimed book, A Homemade Life. Ms. Wizenberg is doing exactly what The Wino wishes she was doing: writing for a living. She took what she loved (cooking and eating), wrote about it, and turned it into her career.

Fellow boozers, not only has Molly Wizenberg published a book, she has a monthly column in Bon Appétit, she takes most of her well-done blog photos with a Polaroid (how cool is that?), and she has opened a restaurant with her husband called Delancy. (Actually, The Wino does not want to ever open a restaurant, but you see where she's going with this, right?)

And on top of that huge amount of accomplishment, she's disgustingly positive. Where is her cynicism? Her snarky comments? Her sharp sarcasm? Gaaaaaaagh! The woman seems genuinely happy and manages to be engaging without one bit of meanness.

What makes the jealousy sting the most? Molly Wizenberg is younger than The Wino by a few years and she, ironically, lives in the same city. She also does Pilates, so she's probably thin, too! [insert eye roll here]

The Wino really, really wants to hate Molly Wizenberg. But she can't. Her book is great. The Wino cried twice. Many of the book's recipes look delicious. The Wino was inspired.

How was The Wino inspired, you ask? Well, in many ways. Too many to list in this post. But for starters, she's going to attempt to do wine pairings for several of Molly Wizenberg's recipes and write about them in her blog. So, stay tuned, fellow boozers. Stay tuned.

Note: Ms. Wizenberg, if you ever read this, please forgive The Wino for trying to ride your coattails. She very much admires you. You have inspired her.


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