Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Wino's New Handbag

The Wino felt that since she survived her first 6 months living thousands of miles from her beloved home away from her friends and family she deserved a new handbag. In addition, she freely admits that she likes to buy presents for herself and will pounce on any excuse, however wobbly, to do so. So, feeling fabulously entitled, she ordered a ruby-colored Liebeskind tote and has been happily carrying it around London from the moment it arrived on her doorstep. As you can see in the below photos, there is ample room to carry a bottle of wine. Maybe even 2 bottles. The Wino is sure you expect no less.


Christy said...

This is a bit late, but I'm a US bartender who was semi-trained in New Zealand so I thought I could help! You can definitely order a dry, sweet, or perfect manhattan in the US, but the "sweet" and "dry" versions are not common (though perhaps gaining in popularity).

All three traditionally have a 2:1 Bourbon (or brandy): Vermouth ratio and, as you mentioned, a few shakes of bitters. A sweet manhattan is what I would assume someone wants if they just order a "manhattan" in the US, and it uses sweet vermouth (i.e. red). A dry manhattan uses dry vermouth, and a perfect uses 1/2 dry and 1/2 sweet vermouth. The restaurant I work at (in the US) actually has a perfect manhattan as their house manhattan. I don't know how your London bartender was explaining the differences between the three, but I've worked with bartenders from all over the world (including London) and I've never heard a different recipe than the one described above!

The Wino said...

Thanks, Christy! I have not ordered a Manhattan since my experience. I might give it another go now that I have your explanation. Again, thanks. Cheers!