Monday, July 26, 2010

A Confession

The Wino spent the better part of July in Greece. She roamed the streets of Athens, explored the cliffs of Santorini, swam in the Agean Sea, got lost in Mykonos, and ate the best food that she can ever remember.

To her shame, she drank very little wine. She tried, really. At least three times. And at least three times her efforts were rewarded with a wicked, wicked, wicked hangover. Fellow boozers, trust The Wino, exploring the Acropolis with hangover is not a pretty adventure.

It's true, The Wino should have attempted drink a higher quality of Greek wine. She should not have drunk so much of the "house" wine (i.e., the cheap stuff) - e-hem - in one sitting. But it was hot. Terribly hot. So swirling, sniffing, and sipping just wasn't at the top of her priority list when it came to any beverage in Greece. Any liquid she got her hands on she guzzled. That's right fellow boozers, large, greedy, unladylike gulps. Needless to say, that manner of drinking didn't lend itself to wine tasting or wine drinking in general.

In short, The Wino stuck with beer while she was in Greece. Lots and lots of cold beer. Her favorite was Alfa. An icy mug of Alfa is especially nice served with a plate of salty black olives....and even nicer if consumed on a hot Greek island.

Boozers, you are asked, once again, to judge The Wino's un-Wino like behavior for yourselves.



San Juan Sipper said...

Ah! The Wino is BACK!! The San Juan Sipper has missed the cleverness of you. Did T.W. sample any Retsina?

The Wino said...

San Juan Sipper: Not officially. I was told that the "house wine" I drank probably had some Retsina in it and that's likely what gave me such a bad headache the next day.