Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fête Nationale

Where has the Wino's mind been? She totally forgot to mention that it's Bastille Day in France. Mon Dieu! The Wino recommends grabbing a friend and doing the following:

  • un: Pop open a bottle of French sparkler and pour yourself a glass or deux. The Wino suggests Louis Bouillot. Fabuleux!
  • deux: Read up on Bastille Day on Wikipedia.
  • trois: Listen to some music by France's First Lady, Carla Bruni.
  • quatre: Translate a few English phrases to French. Helloooo Yahoo Babelfish (translate like it's 1996, boozers).
  • cinq: Open a second bottle of Louis Bouillot. Délicieux!

Tout de suite, fellow boozers! Tout de suite!

The Wino Goes to Lunch

The Wino took herself out to lunch yesterday. She figured that since she has taken a 20% pay cut at work and bounced several checks over the past month, it was the perfect occasion to treat herself to a ridiculously expensive lunch. Wearing an all black outfit, which she thought looked sleek but realized later that she looked more like a Sephora employee, The Wino found herself at Barolo in downtown Seattle about 12:10 p.m. on an overcast July afternoon.

During her dining experience, The Wino consumed two of the most lovely glasses of Sangiovese with her veal carpaccio and arugula salad, which I might add made her forget all about her ill-chosen outfit. The Sangiovese was, "Rubio", San Polo, 2006

On Snooth.com Mr. Gregory Dal Piaz said, "This 100% Sangiovese from the San Polo estate in Montalcino is redolent of dried herbs, blackberries, ash and chocolate shavings. Easily styled in the mouth with bright acid highlighting the cranberry and black raspberry fruit and soft tannins giving the wine a gentle mouth filling quality. There is a nice touch of spice on the finish and a cleansing quality that makes this perfect with a few rich Italian sausages or tomato based dishes."

Thank you Mr. Dal Piaz. The Wino appreciates your expertise as she has none. This wine, according to various Internet sources (it's called Google, fellow boozers, stop whining and type it in) is priced at around $12. At Barolo, where the Wino was lunching, it was a hefty $11 per glass. (Apparently, Barolo is killing it on wine.) The Wino is not sure where in the Emerald City one can find this lovely wine by the bottle sans the ridiculous per-glass price. One might check Esquin. The Wino expects she will be attempting to track down this wine herself over the next couple of weeks. She could go for a glass, or better yet, an entire bottle, right this very minute as she slouches at her desk and contemplates another work day filled with demoralizing tasks.
