Friday, May 20, 2016

These Glasses Seem Gigantic

Boozers, is it just The Wino or do these wine glasses seem ridiculously large? They are Riedel glasses designed for drinking Cabernet Sauvignon. The Wino had to buy new ones because she broke all her other wine glasses (you know why).

The Wino, of course, knows that certain shapes and sizes enhance the wine drinking experience. And she knows that shapes and sizes can get pretty granular in terms of red vs. white, or Burgundy vs. Cabernet, etc. What she did not know is that the size could be or needed to be so very, very huge. What's The Wino to do? It's simple, Boozers, she's going to do what any good boozy-boozer would do: crack open a nice bottle of Cabernet and start drinking.

UPDATE 6/7/2016: The Wino just ran into this article via The Kitchn about wine glass shapes according to Sommeliers. Yes, Boozers, there's a bit of science backing the idea that the shape and size of your glass enhance a wine's flavor, but the notion that you need the 'right' glass to properly enjoy wine is primarily marketing hype from Reidel used to promote its fancy glasses.

Yup, The Wino totally fell for that marketing hype when she originally wrote this post. The joke's on her. C'est la vie! She at least feels vindicated by the article. She was right, her new wine glasses are indeed unnecessarily large. 

Riedel Cabernet glasses juxtaposed with a standard IKEA red wine glass. Huge, right?