Friday, February 22, 2013

Roboto de Oro

Boozers, it's that time of year again. The Wino is in Mexico. She's not drinking any wine. Instead, she is glugging down all kinds of other Mexico-fantastique beverages, including, one of her favorites, the Golden Robot (Roboto de Oro en EspaƱol). The Wino has mentioned this magical beer cocktail before. And now she's going to mention it again. She is being redundant and she does not care because, Boozers, Golden Robots are fucking awesome and deserve to be mentioned over and over. They are cool and refreshing (kind of like a Fresca) and perfect for sitting under a palapa or standing waist deep in an infinity pool, whichever you prefer.

Golden Robot
- 12 oz of cold Mexican beer. The Wino's favorite is Sol. (Do not mistakenly get the kind that does not have any alcohol called Sol Cero. The Wino promises, you will be utterly disappointed.)
- 2 - 4 tablespoons orange juice
- 2 small lime wedges.

Pour the orange juice into the bottom of a tall glass. Pour the beer on top. Squeeze  the juice of one lime wedge into the beer/OJ combo. Garnish with the second lime wedge (or two lime wedges like The Wino has in her pictures).

Like The Wino said, magical.